Friday, May 27, 2011

Remember, you are still breathing.

The quote of the day is

"Rebuild with a grateful heart. You may have lost a house, but you did not lose your home. Remember, you are still breathing."(p.95)

[The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs Is a Little Perspective.] by Andy Andrews

You may be in a serious situation because of the earthquakes and tsunami, and you may be mentally exhausted. The situation has not changed, but it is important to know that you can change the way you think about the situation.

You may have lost a house, but you are breathing.
You may have lost a business, but you did not lose your customer.
You may have lost water and gas, but you did not lose electric power.

If you think of what you lost, you will be sad.
If you think of what you have, you can be hopeful.

I hope we will have made a step forward in improving self confidence which can be obtained by that way of thinking.

Japanese Blog:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

If you want to write some Histories, you must also lie and invent tales.

The quote of the day is

"If you want to become a man of letters and perhaps write some Histories one day , you must also lie and invent tales, otherwise your History would become monotonous."(p.59)

[BAUDOLINO] by Umberto Eco
posted with amazlet at 11.05.03
Umberto Eco
Mariner Books
売り上げランキング: 16680

It is important for us to learn our Japanese history. As we understand our history, we can think and decide how to do as Japanese and how Japan will be.

You must also understand it is difficult to know our real histories, when you read history books. The governor wrote histories as they wanted in Japan and other countries similarly.

Japanese Blog:

Nobody knows the flow of funding of any environmental advocacy groups

The quote of the day is

Nobody knows the flow of funding of any environmental advocacy groups. The government set to ease the restriction for the activity of funds and advocacy groups. There are no audits and inspections of books."(p.277)

[State of Fear] by Michael Crichton

State Of Fear
State Of Fear
posted with amazlet at 11.05.03
Michael Crichton
Avon Books (Mm)
売り上げランキング: 28377

The US environmental advocacy groups remaind me the attacks of Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace etc., radical environmental groups. The large environmental advocacy groups funds large amount of donation in US, some of the groups carry out a violent attack.

They use arms to achieve all they desire. It seems like the crusade propaganda and ideology.

Japanese Blog: